Final Project Presentation


Your final project design will be perceived to be as successful as your presentation.

The following is a suggested presentation outline that begins with an introduction and ends with a strong close.

Introduce your Design Group
– Logo
– Business Cards

Introduce your Community
– Name of Community & Identity
   • Identity Design & one or two Product Photos
– Name of Community & Identity
   • Locator Map & Environmental Photos
– Identify your Market
   • Stats & Lifestyle Photos

Elaborate on your Community
– Community (Plat) Map
– Elevations & Floor Plans
– Identify your Builder
– Show Product & Materials Photos
– Show Amenities & more Environmental Photos

Present your Marketing Materials
– Website
– Literature 
– Advertising Campaign
– Other Collateral

Discus the Sales Office
– Floor Plan & Elevation
– Other


Strong Visual/Verbal Close

Class Schedule

Week 1 & 2 – Jan 7 to 16

Student Design Groups Setup 


Week 3 – Jan 21 & 23

Project Planning & Marketing Strategy


Week 4 – Jan 28 & 30

Project Identity


Week 5 – Feb 4 &  6

Content Development


Week 6 & 7 – Feb 11 to 20

Print Collateral


Week 8 & 9 – Feb 25 to Mar 6

Web Collateral


Week 10 & 11 – Mar 11 to 20

Sales Office


Week 12 & 13 – Mar 1 to Apr 3

Advertising Campaign


Week 14 & 15  – Apr 8 to 17

- Exhibition Poster
- Presentation Graphics (Digital & Print)


Week 16  – Apr 22

Final Poster Due
Final Presentation to Real Estate Group

Project #2 - Real Estate Project


Select a housing product, a location, and a market of your choice and develop 
and design a complete real estate marketing and sales program including:

Community Identity & Branding Program
- Logo, Positioning Statement, Letterhead and Business Cards

Comprehensive Content Development
- Lifestyle Copy & Images, Location Map & Information 
- Community (Plat) Map & Amenities, Individual Homes & Floor Plans,
  Designer/Builder Story, Architectural Style(s), Materials & Appliances Choices

Sales Literature 
- Kit Cover, Community/Lifestyle Introduction, Locator Map
- Community (Plat) Map, Individual Homes & Floor Plans, Amenities Sheet,
  Materials & Appliances Choices Sheet, Designer/Builder Story, Buyers Worksheet
- Web Site, Community Lifestyle Blog and/or Mobile App

Comprehensive Advertising Campaign
- Direct Mail, E-mail, Magazine, Billboard and Radio

Sales Office & Display
- Project Signage: Lead-in, Community Entrance, Sales Office and Model Home signs,
  Sold sign, Builder's sign
- Sales Exhibit: Community Story with Lifestyle Photos, Locator Map with Information, 
  Community Model and/or Plat Map with Amenities, Individual Homes & Floor Plans,
  Builder's Story, Materials, Colors & Finishes Boards
- Sales Office: Presentation Area, Conversation Area, Closing Area
- Model Home(s)



Identity & Branding                 $     5 K 
- Design Fees 3,000
- Collateral Printing 2,000

Content Development         $  10 K 
- Research & Concept Development 1,000
- Copywriting 2,000
- Photography/Illustration 3,000
- Locator Map 1,000
- Community Map 1,000
- Individual Homes (2) at 1K each 2,000
  Renderings & Floor Plans  

Sales Literature                $  15 K 
- Design/Production        3,000
- Collateral        5,000
- Design/Development        3,000
- Production        4,000

Advertising Campaign       $  10 K 
- Magazine (3) @ $1.5K each        4,500
- Direct Mail / E-mail Campaign        2,000
- Billboard Campaign        2,000
- Newspaper Display Ads        1,500
Media Budget  % of Gross Sales

Sales Office               $  10 K 
- Community Signage          500
- Exhibit Info Graphics        3,000
- Community Signage       1,500
- Exhibit Info Graphics       2,000
- Community Model       1,500
- Design Boards          500
- Other       1,000
Total Design, Web & Print Budget      $  50 K

Design Studio


Read selection from book: 
Adams Morioka

Visit their website:


List your three/four top design and design-related abilities/talents:
• Concept Development
• Photo Imaging
• Software- Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
• Illustration
• Planning/Organizing
• Writing 
• Design
• Color
• Typography
• Layout
• Marketing
• Time Management
• People Management
• Other

Write a short concise description of your personal design philosophy


Solicit and create a two or three-person design group comprised of students whose abilities
supplement yours, and whose design philosophy complements yours.

Brainstorm a Name and write a short collective Design Philosophy.
Design an Identity with a Positioning Statement and a Letterhead for your new venture.

Name, mission, positioning statement, and logo roughs due printed and hanging on Crit Wall,
and/or posted on Blog Tuesday, January 14th, beginning of class.

Final logo with positioning statement, letterhead with mission printed on it, and business cards
due PRINTED and hung on Crit Wall, and posted on Blog Thursday, January 16th, beginning of class.